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High resolution machines with single crystal transducers and elastography makes diagnosis easier. Expertise and years of experience ensures you get accurate results, every time.

soorya ultrasound

Our Specialities

Colour Doppler Imaging

These are special studies which images blood vessels and measures the blood flow within them. Our linear transducers offer high resolution for the best results.

Guided Procedures

We are experienced in ultrasound guided procedures like fine needle aspiration, amniocentesis, abscess drainage etc.

Special Studies

We do offer special studies like renal doppler, neurosonogram, elastography and other sophisticated examinations.

What to expect as a Patient

Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves and their reflections from internal organs to create images. Ultrasound is usually all that is necessary to diagnose most conditions of the body. The advantage of ultrasound is that it is real time and is therefore immensely useful in imaging moving organs and blood vessels.

Ultrasound is harmless and painless, usually done on your body surface with a small device called a transducer. We use a water based gel on your body surface to enable clear visualisation and smooth movement of the probe. This gel is easily removable and does not stain your clothes. It is always easier if you wear loose fitting clothes for ultrasound scans.  

You may be asked to drink water or come empty stomach for the exam depending on the study scheduled. In some cases, to image the pelvic organs of women, a trans-vaginal examination may be required. This examination is painless, but may cause mild discomfort in some.

No special preparations are required for doppler studies or fine needle aspiration procedures.

Ultrasound examinations may take from 10 minutes to an hour depending on your study. Reports are usually dispatched immediately and there is usually no need to wait once your study is done.


If you have more questions or doubts, please feel free to contact us.

General Ultasound Instructions
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