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A first in Tirur, we have dedicated fetal medicine department with experienced doctors and a dedicated fetal ultrasound system from GE Voluson family, which has the best  3D/4D capability in the segment.

 We offer advanced genetic testing and personalised counselling, we make sure that you are well informed.

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What We Offer

Early pregnancy Scans

We make sure the fetus is healthy, within the uterus and document the heartbeat. We also calculate the expected date of delivery during this scan

Anomaly/TIFFA Scans

At 5 months, we do detailed anomaly scans for detecting any physical abnormalities in the fetus. A thorough examination of every internal organ is made during this scan.

NT Scans

This scan is done at 11-14 weeks. We examine the fetus for markers of genetic abnormalities and major physical abnormalities. 

Growth Scans and Doppler

During this scan, we measure the growth of the fetus and compare the measurements with nationally accepted standards. We are able to pick up abnormalities that may manifest late in pregnancy by doing a detailed survey of the fetus.

Genetic Screening

We offer sophisticated screening tests to determine the risk for genetic abnormalities. We offer combined test, quadruple test and NIPT for screening purposes.

Fetal Interventions

We have experts in fetal interventions and therapy and offer a multitude of procedures like amniocentesis, CVS, Amnioreduction, Fetal blood sampling, Fetal reduction etc.

What to expect as a Patient

In fetal medicine scans, we use ultrasound machines, which utilise sound waves to create images. These scans are perfectly safe for the fetus and allows us to identify abnormalities early on. These are specialised scans done by doctors specifically trained in this modality and with years of experience, with high end ultrasound machines and sophisticated softwares.

As these scans are so detailed, this might take longer than normal scans and getting images as per International standards are of paramount importance. This is partly dependant on the fetal position and maternal abdominal wall thickness. Hence, patients may have to wait longer and may even have to come the next day for completion.

You may be asked to drink water before the scan. There are no diet restrictions for these scans and you can have your normal food on the scheduled day. It may be necessary to do a trans-vaginal scan if the need arises.

We shall strive to keep you as comfortable as possible during this time and give you the best possible results as fast as possible.

If you have questions regarding the scans, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

Fetal Medicine Instructions
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