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We are dedicated to the health and safety of our patients, a prime example being our AI enhanced ultra low dose CT, a first in Kerala. Our CT emits upto 90% less radiation as compared to a traditional CT scanner.

With this technology, it is possible to take a screening CT of the chest with radiation doses comparable to a Chest X Ray!

ct scan soorya

Strengths of our CT

Dose Reduction

  • Artificial Intelligence enhanced Ultra low dose scans

  • Super Fast Scans with wide coverage ensures the radiation dose is as low as possible.

Image Quality

  • Thinnest detectors for the highest quality 3D images.

  • High Quality Metal artefact reduction for accurate post operative images.

Patient Comfort

  • Wide bore 75 cm gantry for patient comfort and easy access.

  • Super fast rotation speed of 0.75 seconds reduce the scan times and maximises patient comfort.

What to expect as a Patient

A traditional CT scan combines a series of X Ray images taken from different angles

around your body to create cross sectional images. Traditional CT scanner exposes patients to a high level of radiation in order to provide diagnostic images, which is a known risk factor in developing cancer. The amount of radiation emitted by our Ultra low-dose CT is up-to 90% lower than that of a traditional chest CT. 

We have given the patient instructions for a CT scan below. We have tried to answer any additional questions you may have in the FAQ page. Please click the button to view the page.  This page should answer most of your doubts, if not please fell free to contact us.


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